The Glory (2022)


The Glory (2022)

Where to Watch: Netflix

Number of Episodes: 16

Netflix Summary:

Starring: Song Hye-kyo, Lee Do-hyun, Lim Ji-yeon

Creators: Kim Eun-sook, An Gil-ho 

KDramaCritic Rating: Favorite

KDramaCritic Short Review:

The Glory (2022) is my favorite Korean drama of all time (so far).  Considering that physical and sexual abuse are a key part of the plot, this is a surprising favorite.  I even kept track of when the final eight episodes were released and watched them all day of, something I never do with shows.

The writing, directing and acting in The Glory (2022) are fantastic.  From episode one to episode 16, the story was cohesive and maintained the same level of quality.

Revenge is the focal point of the show with each episode diving into the emotional and dark journey to reach this end.  As I noted before, there is physical and sexual abuse as well as violence. 

Normally, I do not rate dark, violent shows as "Favorite" since re-watching such shows is difficult to stomach.  However, I think because the show displays the abuse and violence as terrible -- with a victim's perspective, and a promise of punishment -- somehow it becomes more palatable.

My KDramaCritic rating is "Favorite" and I am already re-watching the show with my husband (his first time watching). 






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